Monday, June 8, 2009


Wilson & Watson:
Both the sole friends of tortured, snarky, geniuses, Watson and Wilson are truly the most long suffering of individuals. Besides both having names consisting of "W--son," they are both doctors, both tend to nag, and both despair of drug use.

Another large similarity is in their brothers: One of Wilson's two brothers, Daniel, disappeared years and years ago, forgoing the medication that provided him with mental stability. He was homeless and untraced until one of the more recent episodes (The Social Contract). In SIGN, Watson gives Holmes a watch to see what deductions might be gleaned from it. Holmes remarks that it was Watson's father's, before being passed to his elder brother, of whom he says, "he was a man of untidy habits,--very untidy and careless. He was left with good prospects, but he threw away his chances, lived for some time in poverty with occasional short intervals of prosperity, and finally, taking to drink, he died. That is all I can gather." Watson is offended and horrified at what he believes to be a cruel joke at his brothers expense, but Holmes quickly unfolds his chain of deduction, putting Watson back at ease. Both Watson and Wilson had an errant, unhealthy brother whose memory saddened them for some time.

Wilson and Watson are both rumored to be quite accomplished ladies men. Wilson has been married three times, and has no end of flirtatious nurses with which to work. The number of Watson's wives can never be quite pinned down: some people maintain as many as five or as few as none. (I personally think two: Mary Morstan and the post-haitus wife briefly alluded to, though not by name) In SIGN, speaking of Miss Morstan, Watson is able to claim that, "In an experience of women which extends over many nations and three separate continents, I have never looked upon a face which gave a clearer promise of a refined and sensitive nature." Three continents! That's impressive! Holmes also refers to the fair sex as Watson's department, perhaps a touch mockingly.

There is also that Wilson and House lived together for Season Two (Watson and Holmes were flatmates). I kept expecting Mrs. Hudson to barge in and offer tea...

Actually, I do believe that Robert Sean Leonard ultimately decided to be in House because he is a huge Holmes fan.

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