Friday, September 25, 2009

Three Stories: Episode 21

Ah, Three Stories... fun with exposition galore!
Also fun with House babysitting an auditorium of little medical Ducklings. D'aaaw.

This episode brings to light a trait in House that is not really related to Holmes but is still interesting. House--like Holmes-- is remarkably reserved. Despite the way he seems to flaunt his crippled status, he doesn't discuss the injury or his personal life at all, really, especially with those who he care most about him. Yet he is perfectly content to tell the story of his infarction--in the guise of an abstract example--to a whole room full of Irregulars--err, medical students, that is. I guess what this says about House is that with strangers he can remove himself further from his situation and tell his story far more comfortably than he could possibly have with someone like Cameron (oooh, bad example, that. He wouldn't be able to stand how much she would care). Although when he is talking about his own case he gets considerably touchier and more frustrated, more in the students' faces.

Also, the bit with knowing how quickly snakes regenerate their venom is a bit ridiculous for a doctor, but hey, he's House. He knows everything. Just like Holmes, who actually has a bit of a history with snakes.

"On average, most drug addicts are stupid *pops handful of pills*" Well thank goodness for smart ones like House and Holmes!

This episode makes my heart go out to Stacy-- it was a hard decision she had to make, and one that caused a whole lot of repercussions. House was hella harsh on her for an incredibly difficult decision that she couldn't possibly have foreseen the consequences of (nothing makes my heart go out to that Adler woman. I do not like Irene Adler, and she hasn't been through or done anything worth my heart. Although, for the most part I don't like Stacy too much... she's too snipe-y, too fake. Too annoying).

Random note about this episode: This is one of my personal favourites-- the filming of the flashbacks, with House breaking the fourth wall consistently and the visuals changing with his voice over. Also the students and his team in the flashbacks. Very fun episode to watch.

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