Monday, June 8, 2009

Quote time!

  • "I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather — that is, when the fit is on me, for I can be spry enough at times," says Holmes in STUD. This is the same sort of principle that dictates House's principle of working when he has a case, then playing gameboy and watching soaps rather than go anywhere near the clinic.
Side note: About the soap operas and video games: a guilty pleasure somewhat out of character for a genius, am I right?
Well, Holmes read the agony columns in the newspapers!

  • "Viewing the matter as an abstract problem, I had forgotten how personal and painful a thing it might be to you," (from SIGN) this almost seems like something House would say, if not for the fact that it is an apology! House often harries parents/friends/everyone grieving over their dying family member, with no regard for their personal feelings.
  • Stamford, who introduces Holmes and Watson and promptly disappears, never to be seen again, says this of Holmes, "He is not a man that is easy to draw out, though he can be communicative enough when the fancy seizes him." In other words, he won't talk unless it's about something he's interested in. Like Cuddy's brea--LIKE CASES! Yep, meant to say cases...
  • "There was a world of sarcasm in his voice as he spoke." Tee hee! Poor, long-suffering Watson

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