Monday, June 8, 2009


House & Holmes:
Both Dr. House and Mr. Holmes (I always thought they should've knighted him, Mister sounds so anticlimactic for a master detective...) are bad-tempered geniuses (or is it genuii?) with a penchant for logic. Sherlock played the violin and indulged in cocaine, while Gregory favours piano and vicodin. Both are quick to deny addiction to their drugs of choice; Holmes maintains that he is merely escaping all encompassing ennui and House's excuse is his pain.

Both of their jobs involve solving the puzzle that no one else can solve, catching the culprit, seeing what no one else can see, or rather, what everyone else "sees, but does not observe (SCAN)." They both are unbelievably arrogant and both call even their closest friends by their last names.

Both can be witty, condescending and sometimes outright rude, and both are loathe to speak of personal feelings or personal/family relationships.
They can tell an awful lot about someone from merely a glance, and they both love to toss out this information in a great deluge of should-be-unknown information, baffling the subject of their deductions.

House, a doctor, is based on Holmes who, in turn, is based on Doctor Joseph Bell.

They are also both shameless exhibitionists:
House prefers to confront patients with showy accusations, claim sudden epiphanies, and utilize wildly unnecessary diagnostic techniques rather than share his chain of logic with his team.
Holmes never confides to Watson his thoughts on cases, preferring to solve them amid great drama and mystery and wait until later to sort out the minutia of how he reached his conclusions. In fact, he vouches in NAVA that, "Watson here will tell you that I never can resist a touch of the dramatic."

They both also dislike the rich:
House doesn't like big donors to the hospital, because House doesn't like the rich.
He is always more contemptuous and mocking of the rich (especially Chase).

Much like Holmes:
Holmes believed that, "Some of you rich men have to be taught that all the world cannot be bribed into condoning your offenses (THOR)."
In SCAN, he is dismissive and contemptuous to the King of Bohemia, and NOBL he is downright rude to Lord St. Simon.

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